Good Friday Essay 10 Lines

Good Friday Essay 10 Lines

Good Friday is a special day for Christians. It’s when we remember Jesus being crucified, which means he was put on a cross and died for us. We take this time to think quietly and feel sad about what happened. Jesus did this because he loves us so much. People might go to church and not eat much on this day.

It reminds us to forgive others and make peace. It’s part of Holy Week, leading up to Easter Sunday when we celebrate Jesus coming back to life. Let us understand more about Good Friday through these Good Friday essay 10 lines and essay on good Friday in English.

Good Friday Essay 10 Lines

  1. Good Friday is when Christians remember Jesus’ crucifixion.
  2. It’s a day for quiet thinking and feeling sad about what happened.
  3. Jesus died to show his love for everyone.
  4. People might go to church and not eat much on this day.
  5. We think about how much Jesus suffered for us.
  6. Forgiveness and making peace are important on Good Friday.
  7. It’s the end of Holy Week, leading up to Easter.
  8. We remember Jesus’ pain and try to be better people.
  9. Good Friday teaches us to never lose hope.
  10. We remember Jesus’ journey to help us understand love and how to be kind to others.

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Essay on Good Friday in English

Good Friday is a significant day for Christians around the world. It’s when we remember Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, which is when he was put on a cross and died for us. This happened a long time ago in history. We feel sad about it because Jesus did this to show his love for us and to save us from our sins. On Good Friday, people go to church and pray. 

Some might even fast, which means they don’t eat much food. It’s a time for us to think about forgiveness and making peace with others, just like Jesus did. Good Friday is part of Holy Week, which leads up to Easter Sunday when we celebrate Jesus coming back to life. So, even though Good Friday is a sad day, it’s also a reminder of hope and love because it shows us how much Jesus cares for us.

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